Vote NO!

No School Bonds

Vote No on L & M

Vote NO!

We Can’t Afford More Bonds

The Fullerton Union High School and the Fullerton Elementary School District have placed two massive bonds on the 2024 ballot. This is just another bite at the apple after they tried to do the same thing back in 2020.

As with all bonds, the economic issues are huge. The schools want $546,000,000 in new bonds (which is called the principal obligation), which means another $540,000,000+ in interest payments over the next 30-35 years.

That’s OVER A BILLION DOLLARS that they’re trying to take from for things they should have been fixing and maintaining this whole time with their yearly budgets (if not the bonds they’re still paying off).

Vote NO! on Measure L & N.

To make thing more insulting, these bonds won’t get paid off until 2055 for Measure L & 2060 for Measure N. Meanwhile the “upgrades” that they’re promising won’t last as long as these bonds payments.

Don’t own a home & don’t think these new property taxes impact you? Don’t worry, the bonds get factored into your yearly rent increases making California that much more unaffordable.

Leave it to the Teacher’s Union to demand more taxes at a time when the economy is on everybody’s mind and everything is getting more and more expensive.

Tell them enough is enough.

Vote No on Measures L & N.

Vote NO!

Bureaucrat Pay

If you head on over to Transparent California you can see where a lot of our tax money goes but here’s a sample of the Top Paid Bureaucrats in the Fullerton School system.

In 2023 there were over 1,450 people in the 2 Fullerton school districts making over $100,000/year in total compensation which is 3oo people more than 4 years ago.

Keep in mind that these are the people demanding that the average family fork over $400+ more each year in NEW TAXES in the form of Bond Payments.

Just the 20 people listed above, collectively, made $6,610,210 in one year according to the most recent records (Fullerton Elementary hasn’t disclosed their 2023 pay).

That’s over $6.6 Million in one year to pay 20 people.

They lied about the last bonds that they haven’t paid off yet, they’ll lie about these bonds. Meanwhile their pay will keep on rising.